Notes from the Field

Beekeeping facts, flowers in bloom and outdoors living.

September is about...

The last of the long summer evenings, home-grown food from the garden and heading back to school.

From the beekeeper

“The bees have had another good month and we have a fair amount of honey in and ready to extract!”

News in Brief

Bees, the outdoors and natural living. There’s more in the archives »

August – The Bee Season Draws to a Close.

August – The Bee Season Draws to a Close.

As the season draws to a close I can say with certainty that I’m glad to have got through it! Queens have been repeatedly superseded throughout the year and I expect more supercedure cells are still being summoned up as I type. I hope that the bumblebee colonies have...

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What we’re making and packing this month

Gardeners Salve

Muscle Rub


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