April – Busy Planting!

April – Busy Planting!

With April’s full budding moon came the first blossoms on the Yarlington Mill cider trees and rather alarmingly also the new eating fruit trees that were delivered in the middle of the month!! Aging cider trees were grubbed out, ground was duly cultivated and made...
March – Changing Seasons

March – Changing Seasons

Well i was wrong about ploughing under the full moon of March!  It’s so wet we’re still unsure if ploughing this month will be a good idea or not. With the equinox behind us and the clocks springing forward the season really feels like its changed. The...
February – Everything’s waking up

February – Everything’s waking up

February is the month that I usually start to consider our honey bees food stores. It takes a colossal amount of stored food to get a colony of bees through the winter. Warmer winters like this one are even more of a challenge as bees will fly on fine sunny days and...
May, what a month!

May, what a month!

I’ve meant to see in the month of may from the top of the Cerne Giant for a long time now.  This year I finally managed to and it was a gloriously random affair.  From this chaotic, raucous beginning the month has sprawled out in the same fashion.   All was a rush to...
Removing a Honey Bee Colony

Removing a Honey Bee Colony

Mark doesn’t take on a lot of bee cut outs… unless of course our own bees go rogue on us and start causing bother. Gladly though, he was talked into removing this whooper a few months back. The colony had set up camp in the sheltered living room wall cavity of an old...

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