Lip balms for winter

Lip balms for winter

In true rural Dorset fashion, we tend to use whatever’s at hand when we need a bit of skin protection. Mark’s been applying Natural Beeswax Polish (we call it NBP) to heal his gnarled hands, the result of working our 17th century twin screw cider press.  NBP is...
Art at Filberts Barn

Art at Filberts Barn

Our resident artist Suzy Moger is once again bringing her paintings to Filberts Barn in Uploders. Suzy is a member of the Filberts team who, as well as designing our greetings card, works on production and packing. Dorset Art Weeks offers a great way to see Dorset and...
Twinways Wassail!

Twinways Wassail!

On Friday 20th January we gathered together in the chilly (but dry!) evening at Twinways Orchard.  This is our annual orchard tradition, during which we ward off evil spirits and shore up our chances of a successful harvest. This year we enjoyed mulled cider, apple...
Late Summer Flowers

Late Summer Flowers

The cold spell in June meant that summer flowers are a bit later this season – it’s September but the bees are still feeding on golden rod and myrtle, usually finished by the end of August in Dorset. Michaelmas daisy is late, but that means there is still something to...
Making Beeswax Bars & Queens

Making Beeswax Bars & Queens

Yesterday I made about 500 beeswax bars and queens by melting and filtering raw beeswax – the bars sold really well last year with so much crafting going on. The queens were popular when we tried them at a show and have gone down well since we started packing...

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