Yesterday I made about 500 beeswax bars and queens by melting and filtering raw beeswax – the bars sold really well last year with so much crafting going on.

The queens were popular when we tried them at a show and have gone down well since we started packing them in cellophane bags with ideas on how to use them. Turns out they’re good for easing drawer runners and zips.

Local roads were closed due to fallen trees and lorries blown over – a good way to spend a stormy day was being in the honey barn with Big Bertha, our wax heating vessel, and some Radio 4.

Here’s the wax in the queen moulds.

Filberts of Dorset - Making Beeswax Bars & Queens_2

Here’s the finished queens.

Filberts of Dorset - Making Beeswax Bars & Queens_3

Philada Rogers
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