April – Busy Planting!

April – Busy Planting!

With April’s full budding moon came the first blossoms on the Yarlington Mill cider trees and rather alarmingly also the new eating fruit trees that were delivered in the middle of the month!! Aging cider trees were grubbed out, ground was duly cultivated and made...
Bee Feeding, Harvesting & Pressing

Bee Feeding, Harvesting & Pressing

The weather remained reasonable this year and hive populations stayed high late into the season.  So, with plenty of late forage, the bees needed feeding in late September and early October.Although there are many schools of thought regarding feeding, we use sugar...
Butterflies in Dorset

Butterflies in Dorset

The sun has returned to West Dorset in time for the local Melplash Show … we’ll be in the West Dorset Beekeepers tent sponsoring a class for Beeswax, naturally … and selling balms, salves and polishes.  But this weekend was about butterflies.  There were lots of...

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