Swarms and splits

Swarms and splits

Nearly all the colonies have been split now.  Some of the new queens from this exercise will create more colonies for increase and some will replace the old queen and make larger stronger colonies for foraging once re-united.  Splitting involves opening a hive,...
A day in the life of a beekeeper

A day in the life of a beekeeper

I’m sat within while it rains outside.  My swede aches from too much sun yesterday and a sixteen hour day trying to cram in a fungicide spray around pollination so as not to disturb the bees while they work in the sunshine.  Our new accommodation is taking shape...
April Threshing & Beekeeping

April Threshing & Beekeeping

The orchard is harrowed, the spuds are in the ground and the contractor has just been to lime the soil and bring the PH back to normal.  Nearly all the apiaries now have supers on and we’ve already had colonies superceding their queens.  Friday even saw two possible...
Pruning underway

Pruning underway

Pruning is now underway whenever the weather lets us, the fruit bud looks strong this year and although the temperature is quite high for the season they are still very hard so will be a while before they start moving up and softening. More mixed weather this week has...
The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game

So, after a week at the NEC Birmingham for a huge trade show, the first thing to check on getting home is the state of the garden.  Despite the wild weather, we have spring flowers showing – snowdrops, crocuses, a few daffs, witch hazel, winter honeysuckle,...

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